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BY Mark Babatunde, 11:00am December 27, 2016,

2016’s Most Heartbreaking Stories

by Mark Babatunde, 11:00am December 27, 2016,

Photo credit: the Guardian

Photo credit: the Guardian

  • In Kuwait, African Women Are Being ‘Sold, Treated Like Slaves
  • Here, Face2face Africa takes an in-depth look at the crass treatment suffered by African women who are promised well-paid jobs in the Gulf states but are instead trafficked in to a life of servitude and enslavement at the hands of their Arab employers.

    The mistreatment of domestic help is apparently supported by the government, since there are no laws on the books to protect them from their employers. In addition, the archaic Kafala system of recruiting foreign domestic labor ties the residency status of workers to their employer, turning workers into illegal immigrants in the event they choose to flee the harsh treatment.

    Last Edited by:iboateng Updated: June 19, 2018



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