BY Diolu Tobechukwu, 1:19pm March 04, 2015,

Poem: The Tale of a Mourning Brother (March Memories)

african brothers
Moments like this are unavoidable: at one time or another we’ve all dealt with the pain of losing something or someone, either a friend, a colleague, a neighbour, a mentor, a family member, a spouse, a child, etc. As I recall the last moments I spent with my late brother who died in March 2011 from an unknown cause after he laid down to have his evening rest with his earpiece plugged in as he listened to hillsong tracks, I relate with everyone who has at one point lost someone dear. Cherish your memories but always remember those you still have; it’ll pass as it always does.

Based on a personal experience

‘’I’m sorry I can’t make it today,’’ he said in a low tone…
‘’I’ll be going for a music concert, but I’ll be with you soon’’…
“Jay, you f*ck up o, but no kwams,” I said as I dropped the call feeling disappointed…
To introduce him to my musical band was all I wanted…
A few hours later I get a call from his cell number…
Background noise as I could hear the sound of women crying…
‘’Hello! Hello!! Tobe, there’s no pulse, Junior’s no longer breathing’’…
“Hahahaha, Vicky, you must be joking. We just spoke few hours ago; nice prank keep it up”…
She replied with a shaky voice, ‘’Call Gospel and ask. It’s no joke, he slept and hasn’t woken up’’…

It dawned on me that it could be true as the background cries became louder…
Being confused, I hung up and quickly tried calling my mother…
She wasn’t picking up, and then my phone began to ring continuously…
Different people calling, “We just heard the news. Please accept our condolences”…
It was a long night as I kept on staring at my ceiling fan with my eyes wide open…
I thought, But I just spoke to him now; could this be true or could all these people be joking

As early as 6 a.m., 2 days later, I packed my bag off to the park, on my way home…
It was the longest journey of my life as I couldn’t wait to see my mum…
Finally I was home and the atmosphere was depressing…
I met a crowd of women by my doorpost crying and wailing…
“Tobe, welcome o, we’ve been expecting you, hmm, it is well”…
“To reduce the effect of this shock, your mum and dad were lodged in a nearby hotel”…

I still didn’t believe it was true as I wanted to see his lifeless body

Went to the hospital but was told that he had been transferred to the mortuary…
Then it dawned on me…my brother is gone for real…

I felt a cold sensation; it was my worst ordeal…
Finally as I realized that we just lost one, thinking as I walked up the stairs…
I tried to be strong, but I couldn’t hold back the tears…

I’ve never felt so weak and sad; couldn’t believe what I just heard…
My brother, my mum’s lad, in the quietness of his sleep passed away on his bed…
As I walked toward the door…
I remembered our fights by the corridor…
I could recall the looks on his face as he played chords…
With a smiley, humble expression, how he spoke kind words…
I plugged in my earpiece to listen to his favourite songs…
As it spoke volumes of where he truly belongs…
Then I realized that nothing lasts forever…

Cherish the time you spend with parents, friends, sisters, or brothers…
Don’t get too busy, too angry, or too bitter…
Wisely choose your words so you won’t regret it later…

To everyone who has at one point lost someone dear…
I relate with you but never allow it to affect those who truly care…
And to my brother, my friend, dear to my heart…
We will meet again, never to depart.

Last Edited by:Abena Agyeman-Fisher Updated: March 25, 2016


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