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Roland Muma


Roland Muma comes from the North West Region of the Republic of Cameroon. He started his career as an amateur broadcaster with Abakwa FM 99.0 in 2002, after which he enrolled for a Higher National Diploma program in Print Journalism and later a Professional Bachelor of Technology Degree program in Journalism at National Polytechnic Bambui-Bamenda. His professional career started with Radio Hot Cocoa FM 94 as News writer/presenter and broadcaster. He later moved to Ocean City Radio in Douala as News Desk Editor. He then returned to his native Bamenda and worked with Foundation Radio, Digital Multimedia Network Centre FM 96 as Chief of Programs. Currently, he is Chief of Service for Tourist Sites at the South West Regional Delegation of Tourism and Leisure in Buea and a correspondent for Face2Face Africa covering Cameroon. He has contributed several news articles to both local and international media outlets.

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