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BY Coach Cass, 7:32am October 22, 2015,

Fitness Tip 109: Choose Wisely

by Coach Cass, 7:32am October 22, 2015,
Coach Cass

Coach CassMaking time to workout every day can be hard, BUT so can being out of shape. 

Prepping your meals for the week can be hard, BUT so can being sick and tired from unhealthful fast food. 

Challenging yourself in your workout to rise to a new level that hurts can be hard, BUT so can having a muffin top. 

Prioritizing or cutting down on your alcoholic intake can be hard, BUT so can having a beer belly. 

Not indulging in candies and sweets every day of the week can be hard, BUT so can that blasted stomach pooch you want to get rid of. 

Losing weight is hard, BUT so is being overweight.

Leaving your comfort zone is hard, BUT so is being unhappy and unsatisfied.

Eating a clean diet and minding ingredients are hard, BUT so is being Sick.

Working is hard, BUT so is being broke.


RELATED: Fitness Tip 108: Don’t Believe Me Just Watch!

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Workout Jam of the Week

“Azingele” by Ruff and Smooth:

Nutritional Tip of the Week 

Nutritional foods
Here are six foods that’ll help you build up your immune system and speed up your metabolism. Start incorporating them in to your weekly meals:

– Sweet Potato
– Almonds
– Cinnamon
– Lemon
– Broccoli

Fit Tip of the Week

As soon as you wake up in the morning, I challenge you to stretch and get those muscles moving and blood circulating! It’s a great start to your morning and only takes five minutes.

Find out how below:

RELATED: Fitness Tip 107: You Don’t Have To Be Great To Start, But You Have To Start To Be Great

Last Edited by:Editor Updated: September 15, 2023



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